アーティスト活動/Artist activity 日本文化/Traditional Japanese Culture

Traditional Japanese Dance and Bon Odori/日本舞踊と盆踊り





I have now 2 different types of Japanese dance class. The one is the traditional Japanese dance class (Nihon Buyo), and the other one is Bon Odori class. Bon Odori is also Japanese dance but I would say that it is more like a festival dance or a folk dance in each local area. However, for non-Japanese they could look same or not so much different. So that today I would like to describe what the difference between them is.

クラスの特徴/what is a traditional Japanese dance class/Bon Odori class?


  1. 1曲を1年かけて練習
  2. 日本舞踊の技術を本格的に学ぶ
  3. 着物の着用が必須
  4. より、集中力、忍耐力が必要



  1. 毎月違う曲を練習。自分で学べる、チュートリアルビデオ付き。
  2. 1つ1つの動きが簡単。ただし、私のクラスでは、オリジナルで日本舞踊の要素も取り入れて練習
  3. 着物なしで参加可能
  4. 楽しく踊る!がモットーのクラス。






Traditional Japanese dance class

  1. Practice 1 song for 1 year.
  2. Learn the skills and the basic ways of using your body in the form of traditional Japanese dance.
  3. Necessary to wear Kimono/Yukata.
  4. You need to concentrate and be patient.

The article about traditional Japanese dance

Bon Odori class

  1. Every month different dance.
  2. The movements are much easier than traditional Japanese dance. However, in my class I also teach some basic ways of using your in the form of traditional Japanese dance.
  3. Not necessary to wear Kimono/Yukata
  4. Enjoy dancing and have fun!

The article about Bon Odori

If you would like to learn the Japanese traditional culture more deeply, I would recommend you to take a traditional Japanese dance class. If you would prefer just to enjoy Japanese culture, Bon Odori class would be perfect for you. Or you can choose depends on how much you need to be disciplined. The answer is easy, take the traditional Japanese dance class 😉

@ Karin Vettorel

生徒さんの声/Feed back







I'm taking both classes, Bon Odori and traditional Japanese dance. I can always relax from dancing. At work I have to concentrate and work as quick as possible, so that I'm very stressed. But when I attend the class, I get calm and free from the stress. Even I can sleep better after lessons, so that I charge my energy.

The concept of traditional Japanese dance, for example "Ma" which is a small moment between movements is beautiful. The dance helps to move my body in different way and makes me feel more elegant.

(Female/Italian/Bon Odori and traditional Japanese dance)



Chihoko is a fantastic teacher. The tutorial video of each dance is important to learn more precisely how to use the body because she shows the movements without wearing Kimono.

In the lesson she teaches the details how to use the hands and fingers, how to walk, how to move eyes and so on... It let me learn more about traditional Japanese culture. It is fun!

(Female/Italian/Bon Odori)


I participated in Bon Odori class with my German friends. I was happy that they enjoyed it! Chihoko's explanation was easy to understand the movements. Thank you!

(Female/Japanese/Bon Odori)







Bon Odori course starts at the first Friday every month and you will learn different one each month.

Let's learn many dances and dance together outside when Corona restriction becomes relaxed!

Bon Odori course

Traditional Japanese online class

I will have the traditional Japanese intensive class in July (off line).

Traditional Japanese intensive class

  • この記事を書いた人


ベルリンで日本舞踊家として活動する千穂子です。 日本文化の美しさ、日本人としての精神は、世界から絶賛される、本当に素晴らしいものだと、実感する毎日。この素晴らしさを日本人の人ともシェアしたい! また、ヨーロッパに残りたい!と言う心の叫びに従い、日本行きチケッを捨てて、ドイツに残って今にいたる。何にもないゼロからのスタートでも、自分に素直になると、不思議といろんなことがうまくいく。 そんな自分自身の体験から、人生みんなそれぞれ自由な型があるはずと、信じています!

-アーティスト活動/Artist activity, 日本文化/Traditional Japanese Culture

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