アーティスト活動/Artist activity 人生自由型/Berlin Life 日本文化/Traditional Japanese Culture

盆踊り/Bon Odori



盆踊りとは/What is Bon Odori?



Bon Odor is the dance for the spirits of dead. In Japan we have Buddhism event in summer, it’s called Obon*. The spirits come home and spend time with their family. In the past Bon Odori was performed in this Obon period to host the spirits. The origin of Bon Odori was Nenbutsu Odori. It was danced and chanted at the same time for dead. For these reasons Bon Odori was performed at the temples.

Usually everyone can join the Bon Odori even you don’t know how to dance. Nowadays Bon Odori has become an activity for tourists. If you wear Yukata (summer Kimono), you would enjoy more. Movements of Bon Odori are easy even you wear Yukata. It is not necessary to dance properly, just join the circle and enjoy with local people!

*Obon is the particular period in summer and it is Buddhism event. The spirits come home and spend time with their family. We go to a cemetery to clean a grave and put flowers and candles, then we pray for our ancestors. The family who live away come home as well, so that Obon is one of important family days.

日本三大盆踊り/The three major Bon Odori





Awa Odori (Tokushima)

Awa Odori is famous for the chant "Some fools dance, some fools watch, You’re a fool either way, so why not dance?". It is the largest Bon dance in Japan in terms of the number of dancers and spectators. As many people know, groups of dancers called Ren perform their splendid dances in groups, and many spectators come to watch.

阿波踊り/Awa Odori





Gujo Odori (Gifu)

From mid-July to mid-September, the Gujo dance is performed for a total of 32 nights (some days without dancing), and from 13th to 16th August the dance is performed all night long. There 10 different dances.

Gujo Hachiman Castle & Gujo Odori

You can also learn some dances of Gujo Odori from my Youtube channel.

Gujo Bushi (Harukoma)

Gujo Bushi (Kawasaki)





Nishimonai no Bon Odori

The dancers dress up as ghosts. The costumes are the sewn kimono like as the patchwork, edge-stitched and indigo-dyed costumes, braided hats and hikosan-zukin(particular hood). Because of its artistic quality, it was the first Bon dance in Japan to be designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset.

Nishimonai no Bon Odori

ヨーロッパで盆踊り/Bon Odori in Western country








そして、ドイツに来て、Karneval der Kulturen(カーニバル・デア・クルトーレン)にお神輿を出しているプロジェクト(拍連ー神輿プロジェクト)と出会い、盆踊りも加えたい、とのことで、盆踊り担当として、ベルリン音頭という、ベルリンのための盆踊りも作り、盆踊りのワークショップをカーニバルに向け、毎年やっています。





















ポーランドでのイベント”NAMI Airando"での盆踊りの様子はこちら

When I was going dancing with some party girls in Denmark, suddenly one of the other Japanese volunteers started dancing Bon Odori. The one of danish girls said, "Cool!". And she tried to learn her moves. In the dance floor there was POP music playing, and we danced to it. It was surreal for me. But at the same time I was shocked by the popularity of Bon Odori! That was my first Bon Odori experience in Europe.

After a few years I came to Germany, and I found a project (Kashiwa-ren) that was showing Mikoshi - portable shrines at the Karneval der Kulturen, and they wanted to have Bon Odori, so I've become in charge of Bon Odori and created Bon Odori for Berlin which is called Berlin Ondo. We have been doing workshops every year for the carnival. (Although the carnival itself has not been held since last year due to Corona.)

For most of Germans it is their first Bon Odori. For many of them it was even their first time to dance a traditional Japanese dance. As Japanese Bon Odori is not so serious, it's more casual, and if it's a your local dance, you know the choreography since child and can dance just fine. But Germans don't have that sense. They asked me how to use the hands, how to move the feet, and when I instructed them, they danced really properly. It was a moment that I realized that the Bon Odori is not just a local folk dance, but a highly artistic and beautiful Japanese dance. I was moved with seeing the Germans dancing so carefully and respectfully.

Bon Odori is repeating same movements in a whole song. One german girl said, "It's like meditation." They looked forward to every practice.

2 years ago I performed at Sakura Festival Copenhagen in Denmark. This event has been held already for 10 years. The finale of the festival is always Bon Odori.  Everyone joins in and dances together in a circle, and some Danishes spend a year practicing for this day!

When I participated in a Japan festival in Poland, I also taught and danced Bon Odori with the participants. It was thier first attempt at that event, but it was pretty well attended! There were also some lovely kids there, they were so sweet!

In a way, performances and dancing lessons are one way, but in Bon Odori, everyone dances together, so it's more like I am enjoying Japanese culture with Western people! It's a great feeling! I would like to enjoy Japanese culture with more and more people through Bon Odori. If you see a foreigner at your local festival, please teach them how to dance Bon Odori and have fun with them!

Bon Odori at NAMI Airando (Japan festival) in Poland


盆踊りオンラインコース/Bon Odori Online Course










Since April I have also started an online Bon Odori course. I like in this way of online to have students from anywhere in the world! Some students told me,  "Thank you for putting it online to give me this opportunity to learn it!" What a lovely group of students! And almost all of them are so addicted that they have even bought their own Yukata and Kimono. I am amazed at their enthusiasm.

Thanks to the people I've met here, I've been able to appreciate the value of Bon Odori, a part of Japanese culture that is often overlooked. And now I have a special feeling for the Bon Odori because I am away from Japan. I would like to continue to dance Bon Odori with Japan in my mind.

Bon Odori Online Course 



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ベルリンで日本舞踊家として活動する千穂子です。 日本文化の美しさ、日本人としての精神は、世界から絶賛される、本当に素晴らしいものだと、実感する毎日。この素晴らしさを日本人の人ともシェアしたい! また、ヨーロッパに残りたい!と言う心の叫びに従い、日本行きチケッを捨てて、ドイツに残って今にいたる。何にもないゼロからのスタートでも、自分に素直になると、不思議といろんなことがうまくいく。 そんな自分自身の体験から、人生みんなそれぞれ自由な型があるはずと、信じています!

-アーティスト活動/Artist activity, 人生自由型/Berlin Life, 日本文化/Traditional Japanese Culture

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